Watch out! Your family health insurance plan may be completely unsuitable; Tips for reevaluation

Each one of us time and again make sure to revamp the things that matter the most to us, including our closet, the interiors of our house, model of our car or even our house. In the same manner, it is important for us to re-evaluate our health insurance as well on a regular basis just to make sure that we and our family members are adequately covered. One must always remember that health insurance is an extremely important element to live a peaceful and financially-secured life. However, the fact is that a majority of people these days do not bother about re-evaluating their health insurance cover after regular intervals of time. This is an important reason why most people end up draining their finances during a medical emergency.

Since insurance is a service that you get against the premiums that you pay, as a customer you must always ensure that the policy you are buying provides you with the maximum cover you require. Before zeroing on a policy, it is important for you to analyse the different policies available in the market. Moreover, just buying an insurance policy is not enough and it is important that you re-evaluate it periodically. Here are some common yet important situations when you must re-evaluate your health insurance policy.

Increment in Salary

Getting a salary hike due to switching your job from one company to another or an increment due to promotion within the same company, both are great reasons to celebrate. At the same time, both these reasons must be enough for you to re-evaluate your health insurance plan. With a rise in your monthly income, you can always look forward to increase your sum insured if needed or buy some add-ons to make your policy way more comprehensive.

Getting Married

Getting married is one of the biggest milestones in one’s life. The precious moment apart from bringing loads and loads of happiness together brings added responsibilities towards your partner. As a responsible partner, you must take care of your spouse and the foremost thing to do is add your partner in your health insurance. You should look for a good health insurance plan that provides adequate cover for your spouse and saves you money at the same time.

Birth of a Child

Welcoming a new member to your family not only brings new responsibilities for you but at the same time it even increases your financial expenses. Right from prenatal care to delivery charges, young parents are saddled with the expenses. To live a stress-free life, it is best advised to take a health insurance with a maternity cover before your baby is born. This is to help you save money as your health insurance will take care of all your expenses. It is important to re-evaluate your existing family insurance plan and make the new member a part of your current plan.

Unpleasant Experience with the Current Policy

Just in case you have any kind of prior unpleasant experience with your current insurer, you can easily port your policy from one insurer to another. You can choose to switch your insurer in case you are not satisfied with the offered services that include claim settlement ration, customer services, the claim process or any other. As per a circular issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) in the year 2011, policyholders are allowed to port their health insurance policies in order to enjoy maximum benefit. It is always better not to compromise and rather move to a better option that you feel is best to meet your insurance related needs. Portability in health insurance cover is allowed in both individual and floater health covers.

Stepping towards the Retirement

Retirement is a word synonymous with peaceful and carefree life. Retirement is the time when one starts fulfilling his dreams rather than chasing them. However, things may go significantly wrong in case you have not done planning for your retirement well in advance. There may be a plethora of things that you must have planned to experience post retirement but sudden medical emergencies can surely spoil your plans. In order to avoid being trapped in such a situation, one must invest in a senior citizen plan that covers self and spouse. It is quite evident that the ageing individuals call for frequent visits to the doctor consultation and require best health care. Getting covered in the right health cover will help you meet the cost of treatment of old-age ailments and most importantly, will let you enjoy your retirement with utter ease and peace.